“A Father’s Call To All Sinners Regardless Of Who You Are,Today!”

21 06 2011

Greetings I bring to you my friends in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ Our Redeemer. Dear friends as we take a look at today’s topic entitled “A Father’s Call To All Sinners Today” is really an invitation to all of us who have fallen into sin. It is a call to all mankind around this globe regardless of who you are. Today friends,answer to your Father’s call. He is ever ready to forgive you and draw you close to His very heart. Do read on the rest of the article and be blessed my dear friends.Dear friends, it is rarely you will find anyone giving you an invitation such as this. We have all fallen into sin and we have all fallen short of the glory of God. Friends, by falling into sin we have indeed separate ourselves from God the Father. That is what happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve fell into sin because of temptation. They were disobedient to God. God the Father gave them all the freedom they ever need. God told them that they can eat any fruit from the Garden of Eden but they are not allowed to eat the fruit of Knowledge. It is human nature that when we tell someone not to do that particular thing, that is what they want to do. They want to experience it and then they have to pay the consequences for what they did. It is the same with Adam and Eve. When God told them strictly not to eat the fruit from that particular tree they were tempted by the devil and they ate the fruit.

Dear friends, the devil’s ultimate agenda towards mankind is that the devil will go all out against the human race so that they will disobey God. The devil will plan all things so carefully and make sure that you and I fall into his deadly trap. That is what happened to Adam and Eve! The devil showed Eve how tempting and delicious was that fruit of knowledge and Eve went for it. Not only did she ate it, she gave it to her husband Adam too. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were both totally naked. When they ate fruit of knowledge they both were aware of their nakedness. They tried to take leaves to cover their shame. But God the Father knew that both Adam and Eve had fallen into sin. God was angry with them but he was still full of grace and abounding in love for both of them. God made them clothes to cover their nakedness and shame.

Dear friends, God is still the same God of yesterday, today and forever. God knows our weakness and why we fall into sin. We have all sin and there is no one who can say that they are without sin. If we say that we are without sin, that we make God to become a liar. God sent his only Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross in Calvary to cover our shame and nakedness to sin. God made His only Son Jesus Christ to die the most horrific death so that by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ we who are all sinners are redeemed by His precious blood and we are made to reconcile to God. Friends, today many of us have indeed fallen into sin and we have separated ourselves from God. Some of us because of our sins, we have left our family and we are leading lonely lives in solidarity.  We are ashamed to go back to our families. Friends if you are indeed in this situation, God the Father is telling you today personally that He Remembers Your Sins No More if you Trust and Believe in Him. This society that we are living in may not want to accept you my friends but there are people like you who have truly repented and they are back with their families. 

Dear friends, God’s love is an unconditional love. As far as the East is from the West, so has he removed all your transgressions from you and God says that he has washed you as white as snow. He is a Father who loves his children and he does not want any of you to be in bondage and in the clutches of the evil one. Today, God the Father is giving you an invitation to come before Him. God wants to lavish you with His love. Brothers and sisters out there, men will always reject us but not God. God’s everlasting arms is always there for you because He is the Everlasting Father. Accept the call to the invitation that God the Father has put before you my friends. The decision is in your hands. You will never ever have an invitation like this tomorrow because tomorrow is definitely not destined for any of us. Accept the Invitation of The Lord as long as it is called TODAY! Be blessed and stay blessed always.

God Bless.




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